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Scientific Publications

Taking A Closer Look Into Cartilage

Taking A Closer Look Into Cartilage The Brinter Team is excited to advance its 3D-bioprinted, cartilage bio-implants towards commercialization. In this informational series, we will delve into the various types of cartilage tissue and how bioprinting solutions are making a difference. Stay tuned for more informative content from our scientific

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Published Book Chapter in Elsevier’s Handbook of Surgical Planning: A Collaborative Effort Towards Using 3D Bioprinting for Future Treatment of Osteoarthritis

Check out our newly published book chapter in Elsevier’s Handbook of Surgical Planning and 3D Printing discussing how 3D bioprinting can be used for future treatment of osteoarthritis! This chapter was written by an amazing team of scientists and engineers during the EU Horizon 2020 program funded RESTORE project, including Sanna Turunen,

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Seminar Presentations and Posters

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